Optimal Resiliency in Times of Uncertainty

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Optimal Resiliency in Times of Uncertainty

Dr. Robyne Hanley Dafoe provides research-driven guidance on how to enhance personal resilience and more effectively navigate the adversity brought on by the COVID-19 crisis.

The COVID-19 crisis has impacted virtually every aspect of our lives, and continued uncertainty can at times be highly stressful and difficult to manage. That’s why we thought it would be worthwhile to share the following webcast. Presented by a recognized expert, Dr. Robyne Hanley Defoe, who uses proven research methods to help individuals effectively cope with and manage adversity. I think you’ll find the webcast offers some excellent ideas and tips for managing the unique stresses associated with self-isolation and the wider impact that COVID-19 is having on our work and family lives.

Invested In You - Webcast Details:

Title: Optimal Resiliency in Times of Uncertainty
Presenter: Dr. Robyne Hanley Dafoe, Expert on Resiliency and Workplace Wellness
Access: Click here – available for viewing at any time

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